Thursday, June 5, 2008

Submission For Project-Magazine.

This are my submissions made for Project-Magazine ( second issue. The theme is Circus. The pieces come with a beautiful poem made by my sweet friend Nadrah. Enjoy it ~

Painted the art of expressions;
Played a role of a thousand words;
Hidden in a black box of mysteries;
Like a bucket full of possibilities,
to cover the deepest secrets,
and protect one's self.

Sacrifice transparency to stay grounded;
Trying the very best to be flexible,
just to dance to the rhythm of life.
Yes, flexibility comes with a price.

Awaken by the person within;Inspired by the passionate beauty;
I wonder, is it meant to be,or just a picture set by the mind?
Not knowing what lies beneath,the show must go on;
with one question left to ask; who will take the stand,
and be the play maker?


Pourpres~ said...

wowweeee NAK all these!

Anonymous said...

Ni ko yg lukis ke, ko amik gambar ke, ko design?

cal said...

saw ur work in pipit... theres no description of ur work.. glad to see it here!

Anonymous said...

mah man. update la ur blog. dah masuk october 2008 ni. haha.